Graduate Programmes
ISCTE – Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE-IUL)
PhD in Political Science
• Lecturer of module titled: Challenges and Controversies in Political Science, classes 1 – 6
• Coordination of the module as temporary substitute for Professor Ana Belchior
• Student Evaluation of Teaching: 92%
2016/17, 2017/18
Master’s in International Studies
• Lecturer of module titled: European Societies and Political Systems.
• Classes in both English and Portuguese. Coordenation of the module (2017/18)
• Student Evaluation of Teaching: 72% and 86%
Undergraduate Programmes
ISCTE – Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE-IUL)
2016/17, 2017/18
BSc in Political Science
• Lecturer of module titled: Citizenship and Political Culture, 3rd year of BSc in Political Science, classes 1 – 10
• Student Evaluation of Teaching: 75% and 78%
University of Sheffield
2008/09, 2010/11
BSc in Political Science
• Professor’s assistant for module titled: Contemporary International Affairs, 2nd year of BSc in Political Science, coordinated by Professor Rhiannon Vickers
• Academic tutor responsible for performing the assessment of written essays and final exams and leading seminars for students focused on discussing the module’s reading materials, in order to develop the topics taught during the lectures. This module examines contemporary trends and events in international politics according to major international relations theories, such as the war on terrorism, the role of the media, world order, humanitarian intervention
• Academic years: 2008/09 (2 weekly 1-hour seminars with groups of 10 students), 2010/11 (3 weekly 1-hour seminars with groups of 10 students)
BSc in Political Science
• Professor’s assistant for module titled: Comparing modern polities (5 weely 1-hour seminars with groups of 10 students). 1st year of BSc in Political Science, coordinated by Professor Andrew Taylor
• Academic tutor responsible for performing the assessment of written essays and final exams and leading seminars for students focused on discussing the module’s reading materials, in order to develop the topics taught during the lectures. This module provides an introduction to the comparative method with a view to studying the constitutional engineering of various democratic systems, namely: USA, Brazil, France, Russia, Germany and UK
• Academic year: 2009/10 (5 weekly 1-hour seminars with groups of 10 students)
Pedagogical Innovation
Updating of modules
BSc in Political Science
• Updated the syllabus and the reading materials for module titled: Citizenship and Political Culture, 3rd year of BSc in Political Science at ISCTE-IUL, under the coordination of Professor José Santana Pereira